Saturday, April 1, 2023

Once Chance...One Week

 What a week!

✔️met the deadline for Ed Rising State Conf…now have two who qualify for nationals!

✔️online bookclub with like-minded literacy people πŸ“š πŸ“–

✔️kids made $$$ (lots of money!) taking the ACT

✔️Bible study with the most amazing group of ladies…for whom I wrote a poem about Vashti. Yes, National Poetry Month has begun!

✔️heeded the storm warning yesterday and sheltered in place…kept right on teaching! No time to waste! πŸ™ƒπŸ™‚ Now…to pray for those impacted by the storm and to put action to our prayers…see pic!

✔️worked with the amazing Natalie Humphrey and our super kiddos to plan and pull off the 1st Annual Honeybee Pageant 🐝

✔️attended and very much enjoyed Generations Church annual women’s event…what a friend we really do have in Jesus

✔️helped plan and serve on our mission field on One Day Serve Local (you need to plan to make this happen for your church next year! Seriously.)

✔️Oh…and taught 20+ classes this week 🍎 🍏 🍎

✔️got mad a few times talking about how downright unfair the LEARNS law is to veteran teachers…oh, goodness, and I was doing such an amazing job remaining positive! Well, I am positive LEARNS makes me livid.

✔️accepted a very precious gift from a student who made my whole week…I am still wearing that gift! Yes, check out my pic!

✔️appreciated a new T-shirt from the most giving person outside Jesus I may have ever met…Much Can Happen in Three Days. Easter is coming…He is alive, people!

✔️spent hours with many kids today…all of whom were too busy to one-time attempt an April Fools! Myself included!

✔️just finished a much-needed πŸ’€ nap!

✔️now ready to plan and prepare for next week!

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