Now, to look forward on this last evening in 2015 to 16 Intentions...and in no certain order...:
- For several years now, I have participated in the My One Word Challenge: quiet, peace, fit, smile, completer. These words have had powerful impacts on my life, never wanting to leave any of these words behind. Thus, after a few days contemplation and after having read several pages of Beth Moore's new book Audacious, the word that has chosen me for 2016 is all. More about this word choice to be found here at My Prayer Walk. My intention here focuses more on all people...honestly, I am not sure where I plan to go with this word. 2016 will tell the story of this word. Yes, all the story.
- Read. In the previous years, I have focused on reading more...and I do want to read more. More fiction. More nonfiction. Just more. Or I may read less and focus on the content within each more. Here, you may see where my Intention to Read may lead, for I am gathering and listing the challenges and books for my books clubs that I hope to delve within the pages of the many journeys each will encourage.
- Become more involved in my professional memberships. Currently, I enjoy presenting and increasing my activity within the Arkansas Reading Association (also serve as secretary for our local reading council) and the Arkansas Teachers for National Board Certification. I hope to be able to write much more about this soon, for these professional organizations remind me of who I was, who I truly am, and who I hope to be.
- Enjoy time with My Daughter. Sixteen...and going on much older than I want her to be!...she will be a senior next year, and this Christmas Break has given me the time to peacefully accept that I want that year with her, for I had been contemplating sending out my resume. The Girl has had four heart surgeries, and if I know one thing, we are not promised tomorrow. Therefore, if given the gift of the One Year, I accept it.
- Enjoy time with The Husband. He is such a good man, and he loves me. He also enjoys shooting his rifles and is the most excellent of marksmen. He would enjoy my becoming a better markswoman. We also hope to travel a bit across our state and experience its wonders even more on our "dates."
- Book Clubs...I so enjoy the ones in which I am involved, both in person and online. I intend to read more of those books. Last year, I waited too close to the deadline/meeting time and then was not able to fully participate in the discussions. Speaking of which, I have two meetings next week...reading I shall be doing!
- Book Clubs, Part much as I love books and reading them, I also enjoy getting to know those involved within these gatherings...teachers, students, my little lady friends at the local book store, and my Jesus Girls in my bible study group. Fellowship every time we gather.
- Bible Study: Currently, I very much enjoy Bible study with our Making Choices group, a group of ladies from throughout our area, a group that changes yet remains the same. I also enjoy online studies and have chosen again to follow along with Joanna Weaver's Word of God Speak 2016, while also completing my chronological read of the Bible, which currently coincides with our study of Beth Moore's Jesus The One and Only. As the year progresses, I may choose another online, yet I have learned that sometimes fewer is more.
- Ladies on a Mission: This is a new group we began late last fall (met three times), one in which we are organizing again for this year. Our style informal, we plan a mini-lesson, choose an area in our community to visit, create a small gift for that chosen area, then deliver those an outreach...while ladies grow closer, fellowshipping.
- Music...piano...songs. I so enjoy playing the piano, a gift I have that I don't always understand, for I play by "ear"; therefore, I need to "hear" more songs, so I may play them. So many beautiful songs. Just one a week? 52 songs. That I would love to accomplish!
- Quilt. Last year I only made one quilt, yet I have material purchased to probably make 20 or more. I want to make quilts! Quilts for babies...four on their way now. Quilts for friends. Quilts for family. Quilts for me!
- Be a friend. To myself. To my students. To my peers. To my friends. To them I would like to give the gift of time and a quiet mouth and a listening ear.
- Write. Each year, I intend to blog more. This, I plan again! I am also discovering that I enjoy writing poetry, writing for friends and family on birthday and special occasions. Maybe more poetry will come out of me besides these times and National Poetry Month.
- Tammy Time. Downtime. Conference Time. Canning Time. Reading Time. Family Time. Friend Time. Just the gift of time to not be stressed about things that are bigger than I am. The gift of time to not be stressed...just to rest until the answers come.
- More organized. My desk. My classroom. My Sunday School area. My car. My house. Yes, ALL areas of my life.
- Less teaching. More teaching. In some areas of my life I have resolved to commit less in some areas. Just the way it has to be for now. In other areas, I shall teach more. Oh, for the wisdom to know how to handle both...and handle them well.
There. 16 Intentions. I am very much looking forward to 2016...yes, I am!
Happy New Year! Planning any Intentions?