Thursday, April 27, 2017

Here, I wrote with my students for their weekly blog post.

The Topic:  Find an image on Google, link to the photo, and write about something on which I connect.

Image result for panda dogThis picture reminds me of the cute skunk that lived in our barn last year and then birthed babies...right in the path to feeding our horses.  The Husband, being the kind human he is, simply left the mom there to raise her babies.  Then, one day, she was gone.

This reminds me of...

Friday, April 14, 2017

NPM #7: A Good Friday

In celebration of National Poetry Month...celebrating the Spoken Word...

A Good, Good Friday

A four day week, for little did snow did the clouds release.
A four day week, an extra day to our weekend increase.
A four day week, a Good Friday to celebrate:
No school.  This day the Lord sin did dominate.

On this Good Friday, I remember...
The walk.
The women.
The seven sayings.
The body gently placed.
All my sins forgiven, grace and mercy interlaced.

On this Good Friday, I remember...
My job is not finished.
My salvation joy again replenished.
My love for Him never to be diminished
His Light, His Love, His Grace...never extinguished.

On this Good Friday, I remember... spend time with Him.
...He gave time for me.
...for today He gave His Only Son.
...this He did just for me.

Yes...this is a Good, Good Friday.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

NPM #6: I Am Reminded

In celebration of National Poetry Month...writing the Spoken Word...

I Am Reminded

Two meetings, back to back,
Of thoughts, insights, comments, none do lack.
Two meetings, both of which focus
On Him, learning and rejoicing, girl time a bonus.

Then, I am reminded of a prayer now answered.
A need identified when friends seemed to have scattered.
Happily married to The Man, in him such delight.
Girl time needed; they seemingly having taken flight,
Each busy with life, drifting, moving, changing.
Emails, texts, calls, no longer exchanging.

So I prayed.

I asked.

Girlfriends to return.  Girlfriends to rediscover,
Needing girl time and relationships such to recover.

This evening:  two meetings, girlfriends greeting.
Some new. Some old.
All precious.
All part of a prayer answered.

Bible study. Women's Ministry Team.
On them, I have learned to lean, to glean, none foreseen.
His timing perfect.  I, He did not neglect.

I am reminded.
Prayers He answers...
If only one asks.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

NPM #5: Memories Making

National Poetry Month...celebrating the spoken word...

 Memories Making

A weekend spent with five,
Celebrating Jesus Christ alive.
Women of Joy...and 4,000 women.
His Spirit in these totally brimming.

Memories making,
Water turned to vodka and bourbon,
Oooopsss..not really,
A waiter's humor determined.

Memories making,
Three floors a Diet Coke searching,
Alusive, far-reaching.
$4.50.  No, not a joke.
This one I so enjoyed.
All 450 pennies spent.  Yes.

Memories making,
Three of the six,
Eleven floors climbing.
Huffing and puffing.
Puffing and huffing.
Every step in timing, now heroines to us.
They did it!  All the way to the top!  Yes.

Memories making,
To Steak and Shake,
Signs ignoring, easing on in.
The other four friends?
Watching, quietly, as Brenda and Linda
Escorted back to the door
To await seating for six.
Giggling girls.  Friends galore.

Memories making,
Again a Diet Coke I requested.
This time the waiter said, "No."
I said, "Okay."
"No, no liquor I can allow you to take."
Misunderstood dialects.
Diet Coke.  Daiquiri.
I suppose the sounds are similar.
One Diet Coke he delivers.

Memories making,
Chic Fil a.
Joe's Crabshack.
24 Carrot Cupcakes.
Rib Crib.
Full. Stuffed.
For of food, we definitely had enough.

Memories making...
Joyce, this trip her third.
Brenda, purchaser of cupcakes.
Linda, this trip her first.
Brenda, the quiet one.
Codi, the young one.
Me, the bossy one?
No!  Yes.

Memories making,
Starstruck by Liz Curtis Higgs.
I tweet.
She tweets.
Still starstruck more as on stage
She shares the wisdom granted to sage.
With her we laugh,
As God's Word she brings on His behalf.
I, a nerd, happily

Memories making,
Elevator riding with Jennifer Rothschild.
Her Dr. Phil, her cane.
Only later, two plus two,
Do I add; do I connect.
Starstruck then again by Jennifer Rothschild,
As on stage the Word she shares,
Bringing all closer, all to tears.
I, a nerd, happily

Memories making,
Praising, worshiping, singing.
Angie Smith.
Liz Curtis Higgs.
Sherri Burgess.
Jennifer Rothschild.

Memories making,
More tears shedding, though none are sad.
Hands uplifting, for delight in Him to add.
Voices raising, mixing with others, praising.
Spirits receiving, listening to speakers, amazing.

Memories making,
With friends...closer.
With God...closer.

Until April 6-8, 2018,
From these memories I shall glean.

Friday, April 7, 2017

NPM #4: Despite and In spite

Celebrating National Poetry Month...with more spoken word...


Despite a delayed beginning,
Fulfilling an academic need,
Traveling, relationships imprinting,
Stopping, starting, moving.

Despite a delayed beginning,
Deflating tire at rapid speed,
Calling, tow truck arriving,
Repairing, tipping, inflating.

In spite of delayed beginnings,
Challenges faced and defeated,
Focusing, speakers motivating,
Inspiring, challenging, leading.

Session 1.  Women of Joy.
Blessed. Blessed. Blessed.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

NPM: #3 - Off Broadway

Celebrating National Poetry Month...with more spoken word...

Off Broadway

Today, I reflected on the joy of going to Broadway
There, to see a friend, a star if you may.
Many hours spent observing, reflecting, and sharing,
For this friend was definitely one for caring.

This Broadway actress many roles did perform.
From gatherings, laughter, and meals, one was never forlorn.
No one minded more the limelight,
Playing roles, including a singer, a help-mate, such a delight!
For a time, the role of mayor was hers to transform,
Changing hats, literally and figuratively,
All colors, sizes, shapes, her personality displaying literally.

Then, her show left Broadway, moving south.
Memories and flashbacks followed then by word of mouth.
Facebook becoming the link
As days, weeks, months passed in a blink.

This morning, though, for just a mere second
I pretended that to me she did beckon
As I drove down Broadway
Choosing to forget that no longer may we play
At plotting and planning
At calling and chatting
At mending and making
At forgetting and friending,
That show did off Broadway go,
Only after receiving, though, star reviews in tow.

Thanks, Glenda, for being such a superstar,
For being a friend, for that you definitely are.

Monday, April 3, 2017

NPM: Poem #2 To Stress...or to Rest

Today, I write...for my own National Poetry Month Challenge, as I have accepted The Sonnet level...or fourteen poems this month, one every other day.


Just have to say,
No one has time for this.
Others I must delay,
For added tasks I must list.

Good people.
Good friends.
Earning doubly.
Decisions to defend.

Mastery.  Not a goal.
Perfection.  Not a goal.
Domination.  Goal.
Oppression.  Goal.

Result:  Depression.
Result:  Anger.
Result: Disgust.
Result:  Not disappointed.

To be disappointed,
One must miss the expectation.
No expectations.
No disappointment.

Too much stress.
Not good.
Not healthy.
Too much stress.

Decisions to make.
Decisions to take.
Decisions to share.
Decisions to care.

Rising above.
Rising beyond.
See that water?
Rolling off that duck's back!

Breathe in.
Breathe out.

Time to de-stress.

Now focus.
Choose passion.
Choose mercy.
Choose grace.
Choose love.

Love as Jesus loves me.
Love as Jesus loves others.

Choosing the gods on which not to stress,
For my God chooses me to de-stress.

Tonight, I pray.
Tonight, others pray.
To love as Jesus loves,
Which brings...yes, love.

And mercy.
And grace.
And hope.
And peace.

Breathe in.
Breathe out.

Tonight, I pray.
Tonight, others pray.
To love as Jesus loves,
Which brings...yes, love.

Everyone should have time for that.

Just a thought:

The letters S T R E S S rearrange.
RESTS...minus an S.



Saturday, April 1, 2017

NPM: #1 The Perfect Design

That time of the year has arrived again...National Poetry Month. For several years now, I have attempted to write a poem a day throughout this favorite month of mine...and found this quite the task, as this month also remains quite the busy time of the year as I finish up with four classes of seniors.  Thus, we shall see...yes?

Therefore, this year I am committing to writing a poem on the odd numbered days.  This seems a bit fitting, as some might consider this challenge a bit odd!

If you are reading and wishing to take the challenge also, join in!  Here are your options:

  1. Challenge 1 - The Epic:  A poem a day...yes, everyday!  You choose the topics and types of poetry you prefer.
  2. Challenge 2 - The Sonnet:  A poem every other day (evens or odd) and write at least 14 days this month.
  3. Challenge 3 - The Limerick:  A poem at least five time, for you are just here to have a good time and learn about yourself as a poet (aren't well, though?)
  4. Challenge 4:  The Haiku:  Three short as you would like them, for you just prefer to dabble a bit and tryout this challenge.
One winner from each category will be awarded a prize!  Just post a link to your blog in the comments below (or in any post in which I publish a new poem).  Add another comment when you have completed the challenge.  I look forward to your endeavor and the spirit behind the challenge being met.  Good luck!

Check back here also.

The Perfect Design

Placing photos, fonts, colors, text.
Creating a design, using beauty, no less.

Catching that gulp before escaping,
Memories for me are shaping.

The numbers adding up,
Thirteen years in school,
Seven in elementary,
Three in junior high,
Three in high school.
Many friends, both girls...and boys.
Four heart surgeries.
Selfies galore.
Countless assignments.
Several grades of various letters.
A soon-to-be alumna of Pioneer Land.

Of this girl I am proud.
For me she has wowed.

Her teacher I am.
Her mom I am.
Her friend I am.

This design so perfect,
Heart and lung, to man, a defect,
To her family, simply, a miracle, no doubt.
God's Grace forever we will shout.
Healing, growing, overcoming,
Smiling, laughing, becoming...

This design so beautiful,
Presenting to friends so suitable,
Wishing her years of success,
Standing by her nonetheless...
As the last events begin...
Prom, Banquet, Graduation...the end.


Home she stays,
Loving her mom and dad always.
A teacher she plans to be.
Following in her mom's steps quickly.

Don't we all one day become our moms?

This secret we shall keep.

Placing photos, fonts, colors, text.
Creating a design, using beauty, no less.

Catching that gulp before escaping,
Memories for me are shaping.

My girl...a worker, a Christian, a senior.
My girl...of her I am a believer.
Talking about My Girl.