Saturday, January 1, 2022

22 in Intentions for '22

I began this tradition of writing intentions instead of resolutions about a decade ago after reading a blog post rationalizing the word one more grace when one initially fails at a resolution.  Grace...a beautiful thing.

Wow!  22.  Twenty-two.  Better get started on that list!

  1. Read Gone with the Wind.  I never have.  I am choosing this one as my Independent Read for Quarter 3.  Pressure...and on!
  2. Watch Gone with the Wind...only after having completed #1.
  3. Lose 52 pound a week.
  4. More water...less sodas.  
  5. Read an average of one book a week.  Hummm...see #1!
  6. Read the Bible through...again.
  7. Read The Christmas Carol and complete a Bible study connected to this book.  (AND I received another book regarding this same book.  Must be meant to be!)
  8. Attempt to complete this book challenge:  52 Book Club's Reading Challenge.  Why this challenge?  To push myself to read books out of my comfort zone!
  9. Read one professional read every two months.  I need to read one a month...but...  I have not grown professionally during this surviving became the goal and little energy or want-to was left to read books, other than ones of personal choice.
  10. Re-read the Harry Potter books!  
  11. Find good deals on books and buy/stock them up for 2022 Christmas gifts.  I gave books this year...and I have enjoyed doing so.
  12. Give books as gifts for birthdays.  This one will take some planning, as birthdays tend to slip up on me!
  13. Send birthday and thank you cards much more diligently!
  14. Blog...more.  Write, reflect...just write.
  15. Finish all the quilts I currently have started or promised to others AND make more quilts for others...and for me.
  16. Paint.  
  17. Put away and pick up...especially in my car and house!  Family gatherings will more often be hosted within our home; much less work to be more diligent about keeping it consistently presentable.
  18. Focus on my One Word:  knowledge.  Maybe refer to all the above intentions that deal with books?!
  19. Continue making time for my friend groups:  Meeting of the Minds and the Wildcats.
  20. Be even more involved in ALA and WRLC...two literacy groups.
  21. Spend quality time with the fam, especially The Man and The Daughter.
  22. Create and grow even more beautiful flowers than I did last year.
Did you notice that many focus on books?  I just really like books!  2022...going to be a good year!

How about you?  Resolutions?  Intentions?  One?  22?!