Monday, September 3, 2018

Gillmore Tech Tips in 30

This year, every student in grades 6-12 has his/her own Chromebook.  Just.  So. Sweet.    I am so enjoying how much time we are saving as they open up this tech tool, and we instantly go to work.  Yes!

In one class's time, we may use Google Classroom, Forms (and the charts displaying their responses), Slides, Docs, Blogger, and our class website hosted on a Google Site.    No time to get bored!

Now, that routines are more established, beginning tomorrow, I am going to begin hosting Gillmore's Tuesday Tech Tips to share what I do know...and learn more along the way.  My concern remains that our teachers were not prepped enough for this 1-to-1 journey we are taking year, so I offered to host a 30-minute session for teachers after schools on Tuesday (just have to love the alliteration...Tuesday's Tech Tips...:).

Schedule of Topics
  • Week 1:  How to Drive Google Drive - Go...Slow Down...Stop!
  • Week 2:  How to Control Your Drive = Folders!  Adding to...deleting...taking away...moving around...
  • Week 3:  Google to use that data to use as a formative assessment...and...
  • Week 4:  TBA! 
This share time begins tomorrow.  We shall see if the teachers are interested!

Now, to begin building a resource or two...:)