Saturday, October 29, 2016

October in Cafe 16

Isn't this year...both 2016 and this school year...slipping by so quickly?

Just a quick note regarding my previous post...not sure I will complete the four novels I had hoped to read; well, okay, I know I won't!  Not that I haven't been reading; I just haven't been reading these books.  I am just okay with this.  To be good to myself, I am taking it upon myself to extend this deadline until Thanksgiving...still fallish out there; actually, here in Arkansas, the temps felt more like summer today than fall!  Maybe...just maybe Mr. Carl with the RIP Challenge will not mind! Cafe 16:

  1. I have great groups of kids this year.  They are funny; some are more than willing to learn; some need persuading; did I mention they are funny?  They just are.  
  2. With my English 12, I just finished Julius Caesar.  The most interesting thing I read, I noted repetitions within the play I did not catch last year; am going to work them up into lesson plans for next year.  Such as...
    1. Shakespeare's thoughts on women as support for their leader husbands.
    2. Leaders agreeing to disagree for the betterment of the nation/people.
    3. Mark Antony's persuasive tactics...and obtaining what he wanted all along.  Such a manipulator.  Very interesting.
  3. With English 10, we just completed a mini-Poe unit we inserted between units.  May have to read just one more of his poems...after all, Monday is Halloween!
  4. My Teacher Cadet class is awesome!  Love working with prospective teachers.  Love it very much!
  5. On Fridays, I prepare coffee for my kiddos; they love this so.  The willingness to work for a small cup of coffee is just so worth it!  
  6. I have the same mentor group as last year.  Such a powerful concept.  Finally, this idea is working within our building.  We attempted this a few years ago, but we did not have the needed support to ensure its success; thus, it died a very horrible death.  Yes, administrative support is a must with some to encourage a success of needed programs.  I digress...I have "adopted" my mentees...I am their school mom.  Some of them so much much need one...very much so.
  7. 2nd we call our mentoring time...has taken on a life of itself as much is crammed into this 40 minutes.  This time we use for interventions...probably too much as some students will never experience enrichment...and neither will core teachers, since they are pulled to teach these interventions.  We seem to be in overdrive...whereas, last year, we were in slow-mo.  Again, as I often say, the answer is a happy medium, a blend.  Leaning to one side in any situation is just that...leaning.
  8. I am enjoying working with my very young English department.  This past week, I turned!  The other three are all below 30.  Yes, I am their English teacher mom.  :)  I try hard to not sound too motherly (aka bossy) which they might suggest I should try harder?!
  9. Did I mention this week I turned 50?  As I shared with my kiddos, turning 50 has its advantages, including I am much wiser now.  Oh, the difference between 49.364 and 49.365...or 50.  Not sure they believed me!  :)  I will keep working on that!
  10. Faculty Book Club continues this year...we are now reading Mark of the Thief (also the book of the month for the student book club) and have chosen Richard Paul Evan's The Mistletoe Promise for December.  I love book clubs!  Next week, we begin a study of Jeff Anderson's Mechanically Inclined with our English department.  Later, in November, we are all attending the Arkansas Reading Association's Literacy Conference, where Anderson will be presenting.    Yes, that's right...the nerd in me is very excited about this!
Not sure this is my Top Ten...but ten it is for now.

Just a few questions for you:
  1. With which text will you celebrate Halloween with your students?
  2. What texts are you teaching?  Do you teach thematically? Incorporate grammar?
  3. Do you use diagramming as a method?
Yes...more to come...

May you have time to read this weekend!