Wednesday, December 30, 2020

2020 Reading Goal Achievements...Thus Far

Please click here to read my thoughts on my 60+ books I have read thus far in 2020.

I enjoyed all of the books I read.  My favorite, though, the one which left the greatest impact and the one which I recommended the most would have to be...drum roll, please...The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek.  Have you read this one?

As for 2021?  My reading goals remain much the same:

  1. to read an average of one book per week = minimum of 52 books
  2. to read half of my goal from my own TBR pile = 26 books (these will be bolded).
  3. to complete books for book clubs before the meeting time (love book clubs!)  See here for my list of book far.
  4. to read more series (love series!) (5 in 2020)
  5. to completely read more professional books from my own shelves.
  6. to read more ebooks (19 in 2020)
  7. to continue to read more young adult books
  8. to read a classic...or four!
In the past, I have joined online challenges, but I am deliberately choosing again to not do so, as I the above will keep me quite busy.

What are your reading goals?

For now...another 30 hours or so to read for 2020!  Happy reading!