Friday, August 31, 2018

The "Write" Epiphany

Only 28 years later...and the idea struck...start with the writing jargon...and build from there.

This lesson was affirmed last year when midway through the year, I was STILL reviewing what they had NOT learned the first time around when I told them more instead of showed them.  This year, I began the year with a series of sample paragraphs from previously modeled assignments on which they have annotated...and annotated...and...yes, for four days, until light bulbs are turning on...and burning brighter!

This year, I stay up late...and wake up early...planning and preparing.  Love that excitement of pulling lessons together that just work.

Hummm...I am the only one in my department choosing to switch the order and teach and assess (formatives and summatives) the writing jargon and format before diving into the language skills.  Could I be wrong...after all these years? 

I don't think so.

Besides myself, epiphanies are occurring within the minds of those sitting around me within my classroom.  Soon I will know, for I will assess later next week.  Soon. 

What epiphanies are you having about the sequencing and scaffolding of skills?

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Sometimes, the Light Bulb Shines Brighter

"Mrs. Gillmore, why haven't we been taught to write like this before now?" asks a tenth grade male student, as we view teacher-modeled paragraphs and review this same format again.

"Maybe your teachers were not taught writing format this way?" I reply.

I was not, or I forgot.  What?!

This Gillmore-Style Writing Format came from two "programs" and personal epiphanies over my years of teaching many hundreds...several thousands...of students how to write paragraphs of any depth or breadth, from visuals and the use of colors and jargon that will remain consistent throughout this entire academic year.

I attribute Step up to Writing and the works of Jane Schaffer...and my merging their jargon with mine.  The result is just a method that clicks with students.  HINT...see first question above.

Also, I am continually evolving.  Last year, I taught and taught and taught...and failed to slow down and assess their knowledge of this writing jargon.  This year, this is a must, this slowing down, this mastering of the terminology within the first couple weeks of school, from which I am already witnessing results.  HINT...see first question above.

That tenth grade student validated, patted me on my professional back, when he asked me that question.

Today was a good day.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

The New...and My New Best Friend

New energies...and 2018-2019 is off to a great start!

This year, I will teach/lead four sections of English 10, one of English 11 (have not taught this level in several years), and one of Teacher Cadets.

NEW!  Each student has his/her own Chromebook.  Sweet that the bell rings...they open up the computer...and to work we go.  No removing computers from the cart, signing in...and so on. 

So my room...bandwidth has been my friend.  This has been quite the problem as we placed all students and teachers (and their phones!) on at one time...approximately 2000 connections (hummm...with phones...probably many more).  Yes, life has been interesting!

My newest best tech tool friend is the app Hapara, which connects to my students screens via their connection with the teacher's Google Classroom.  So.  Powerful.  So helpful in combating a student's addictions to games.  How do you spell Fortnite?! 

AND...did I mention I have the capability/power to take a pic of the student's screen?   With this empowerment comes my complete support of a 1-to-1 environment.  My classroom has had computers for each student for nearly a decade...and this struggle to maintain control of their fingers switching screens before my body and eyes could view their screens before they shut down the not-needed site...has been real!  So very real.  BUT.  No more!  Yay!  Life is just so good!

Sidenote:  I have no problem with a student playing a and then.  Just.  NOT.  During. My.  Class.  Seriously, I am paid to work their brains from bell to bell...we have much thinking and typing...and reading and do in my 80 minutes with them!

Theory 1:  I have to repeat as much as I do because students' brains have been in the game world.  Just a thought.  Will gather data...and return with an update at some point!  :)

What is your favorite tech tool this year?  Please share!

My next adventure will be to utilize Flipgrid...more about that coming soon! 

Happy new school year!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Year 2018

Three days into this school year already!  My, time does fly when one is having fun...and when the days are just full!

Welcome to 2018-2019 in Cafe 16...where CAFE stands for Collaborating, Analyzing, Facilitating, Elaborating, all of which we shall engage much this upcoming year.

Yes, this is my 28th year in education.  Wow!  Time really has flown!  May I share not 28...not 18...just eight of the expectations I have for this year?

  1. To recover the joy of my career I had the first 14 years.
  2. To ever better prepare my students to think.
  3. To ever better prepare my students to know how to learn.
  4. To ever learn what inspires my students.
  5. To ever encourage reading...and reading...and reading.
  6. To empower my students to write more, reflect more.
  7. To encourage all my students to become involved within our high school community.
  8. To be the best teacher I have ever been.

Not be be dramatic, but my years inside the classroom are numbered.  I am asked often when I will retire.  I will retire when I have accomplished numbers 1 and 8...and dread 2-7.  That year is not this year.  This is going to be the best one yet!

Welcome back!