Drawn, I am to begin reflecting again here on all topics literacy.
Much has changed since I last jotted down ideas here. I completed year 28 in education and also finalized my last year with the district for whom I had taught for the previous 14 years...and began preparing for year one in my new school district. Much more about this soon! And pictures, as The Husband and I have been working diligently to make and create a few items for my new classroom...which has a large window! For this, I am most excited, as my previous room had no access to natural light. Yay!
For the last two days, I have attended the Media and Literacy Conference, partially hosted by my professional organization, the Arkansas Literacy Association. On the first day, I also hosted a session entitled Learning...CAFE Style, all about my classroom and the acronym I created for the word cafe.
One of my favorite parts about such conferences is the networking, the meeting of fellow English teachers who have the same passion I have for the classroom...still...as I prepare for year 29. I so enjoy listening to their passions and walking away with nuggets that I will incorporate within my own classroom (need to research Kagan...loved the presenter's passion for what she attributes making her the teacher she is today. UPDATE: just purchased three books from thriftbooks.com, so I may check out this tool for myself!). Another positive of this networking is the connections I made from this conference for ALA's fall conference...asked three presenters to bring their ideas and share with this fall's attendees. Yay!
This time away also grants me more memories with my dear ALA friends, women I admire, respect, and with whom I just enjoy spending time, plotting and planning and eating, as we further plan for upcoming events. The synergy that comes from such relationships encourages me to be more, to be better than I have ever been.
One last perk...click here...where I blog about all things books...to learn about how I have even more immersed myself within books...brought home eight more books! Love it! (Also, I asked one of the authors if he might participate in a book club for his soon to-be-released MA book. He said yes! Yay!)
More thoughts to come! Until then, what literacy highlights have you enjoyed this summer?