Saturday, November 16, 2019

ALA Lit Conference inspiring time

I sit now in my comfy recliner, reflecting on the previous two days, an amazing time, a time I so needed.

First, our ALA board, they are amazing; they inspire me to be more than I was.  A group of 14 leaders, these focused individuals work hours to ensure that the love of literacy continues to spread across our state.  I am privileged to be a part of this endeavor.

The scary thing?  This conference was almost NOT.  Due to declining numbers and other obstacles, the Board had concluded that the time had come to no longer host a state conference.  Until.  Until we met and chatted and just could not leave this tradition behind.  There, then, began the work to bring the 47th Annual Fall Literacy Conference to our state.  And.  It.  Was.  Amazing!

To be continued..