Today completes week three, a time span on which I would not have wagered as we continue to live in this pandemic with rising numbers within our state, county, and area schools.
For these three weeks, I am thankful...and several other emotions and descriptors. Grateful, I am that we could gather our students back for a somewhat normal start. Blessed, I am to continue to experience a career for which I was born. Tired, I am after spending hours making and creating to plan and prepare for both face-to-face and online learning. Unhappy, I am with decisions made to remove students from online learning for reasons not based on curriculum, resulting in more work for me as these students need the repetition gained from multi-ways of explaining to-do tasks. Relieved, I am that none of my students (knock on wood...and say a prayer) have COVID (although some have been quarantined).
For these three weeks, I have been so busy, going from before daylight until night fall. Teaching both face-to-face and keeping up with online learning remains a bit much. I certainly do not have the answers as to how to manage it all. I greatest frustration right now consists of the students who have yet to meet with me online, a,seemingly a common concern. Next week, I will add the wording that each is required to join at least one of the Google Meets; afterall, are they not at home working on assignments also?
I so hope we are in school all year...and for at least one that I and my kiddos might enjoy reading, listening, and discussing The Crucible. The reflecting via writing will follow. I had decided that if we were to be sent to full online learning that I was not sure if I would still have my students reading the longer core texts, for our previous plan just involved our meeting twice a week for 40 minutes with our students, but that has changed, and we will now adhere to our current block schedule, which really is a good decision.
I also hope to have my students check out an independent read next week...plotting and know...just in case! (Over the last two days, each class and I practiced a Google Meet.) I know...I know...I just want us to be better prepared than we were last March 16...when we went home, for what we thought would be just a few not return until August. Just sooooooo glad we returned! Yay! to plan the reading of The Crucible...looking for engagement...even through those masks!