Eight days in...and having a great year, as we continue teaching in a pandemic. Good to be back face-to-face!
For those eight days, a list of my favorite thoughts so far on this year and this group of students:
- Great kids. This group as a whole seems on track more and ready for the learning to begin. Nice.
- Books...all had a book checked out by day eight...and off we go on our independent read journeys. My book? One a student recommended as her most favorite book ever. How could I resist?!
- Ordered more books...always this is part of check out week as I do not ever have the exact titles or need more titles of certain books. Speaking of that...need to order two more right now (I need to re-read Divergent series...and somewhere along the way the first in another series walked way.
- Book Clubs...one boy, when I mentioned we would be reading The Crucible, asked for another book about the same subject. I just happened to mention my paired text. Before the conversation finished, two more wanted a copy of A Break with Charity.
- Evenly numbered classes...meaning all my classes have about the same number of students. Love this, as last year I had one with 29...and then one with five.
- Educators Rising...new name for the Teacher Cadets...and...wait for it...17 students signed up for the class! These students either are future teachers or have some interest in learning about education (or the class was chosen for them!)...they total up to an amazng group of young leaders. Yes.
- All year-long projects are set up...except for creating their blogs...which will happen on Monday and Tuesday. At that point, we are ready to dive into our first nine-week units.
- New Schedule: a modified block on Mon-Thurs and Fast Friday, where we meet with all classes. I like it. Days are a blur, which means, of course, that this year will again fly by!
I hope you have had an amazing beginning to a 21-22! What have been your highlights?