Monday, January 23, 2017

Blogging 101...Or 107?

This year, my classes are blogging again.  Has been a while, for our department abandoned this tool some time ago.

This past week, each student created his/her own blog...and the engagement was 100%.  Totally.  Maybe this comment summed up this assigned task:  "This is fun.  Why can't we do more things like this?"

We can.  As in one post a week kind of fun.  :)


We have now begun week three of blogging, with my assigning topics, sometimes a single topic, sometimes allowing choice of three, planning ahead, announcing today that Writer's Notebook will become a house of topic choices.

So far?  HUGE success, with the students posting, thinking, discussing.

In another week or so, the goal remains to take this to the next step:  creating dialogue online via the comments.  Using the links to each class, each student, the writers will be assigned two blogs to read and add comments.  Using the lists of blogs, the students will rotate through the list, the end result being they read and comment on all the blogs this spring semester.


As much as we love social media, why not utilize a tool or two within the classroom?

Tell me...what teacher does not enjoy a quiet classroom...with every student engaged...type, type, typing their thoughts?

Just cool.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

2017's My One Word

The below post was written with and for my students in my English classes.

INTRODUCTION:  My one for 2017 is diligent, continuing a now seven-year tradition from which I have gained much more insight about myself.  In what ways do I need to become more diligent, more conscientious?  I suspect in many, including personal and professional ares of my life.

CHUNK 1:  In some ways, some would say that I chose this word.  Maybe I did, for as the month of December rolls around, I do begin thinking of what my next word will be.  I think.  I read.  I ponder.  I listen.  I read some more.  I awake at night...and think.  This time, no word came.  Until.  Until New Year's Eve...about 10:30.  Then, I knew.  My word would be diligent.

CHUNK 2:  I would say, though, that diligent chose me.  So how does a word choose me? just happens.  (I know...I am not supposed to use the word it.  That's right...counting on my student NOT reading this!)  So how does a word choose me?  I just feel that nudge, that conviction.  When I think of another word...and I brain just immediately shifts back to this word.  As I assigned this to my word choice to my students, this method worked for some of them, for before I was finished, I heard some saying, "My word is..."  Words do choose people.  Ask them.

CONCLUSION:  For these reasons, I look forward to the results of this word diligent in my life...both its impact on me and the ways in which this word will affect others in my life.  From my previous years' experience, I know this is a life-changing experience...if taken seriously.  Just the other day, a lady shared with me her word...and then her two previous words and the impact they had had on her.  Awesome!

Some harbingers that might suggest this word's success in my life would be...

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

2017's Intentions

For several years now, I have written Intentions...instead of resolutions.  The beauty of an Intention?  This word gives one the grace to try again, which I often do not find with a Resolution.
  My previous post reflects on my completion of the last year's Intentions and based on that reflection, I should intend to list some of last year's Intentions again!

Here goes...all no particular order!
  1. Read more!  Last year I read 39 books...11 of those completed in the last two weeks of the year.  That's right...I went through quite a spell of not reading at all.  Not good.  A book lover, as myself, an owner of many books, as myself, just not just purchase books to sit on a shelf.    Thus, this year, while realizing the commitments within my life, I intend to read a book a week...not a total of 52..but one book per week.
  2. Read the entire Bible this year.  I completed my first read...but that took me two years.  
  3. Write on my other blogs.  May just be short posts.  Better some reflection than none, as I put off writing what I hope will be extensive thoughts due to lack of time.
  4. Continue involvement within my professional memberships.  These groups brought immense professional validation within my life last year.  A blessing beyond measure.  AND the friendships I treasure. Again, a blessing.
  5. Witness my daughter graduate and begin her first year of college.  Wow!  
  6. Practice my markswomanship.  I have said this in the past...but I want to do this!  AND this means spending time with The Man.  Yes.
  7. Learn what this year's My One Word...diligent...has in store for me.
  8. Continue involvement in two book clubs:  Paper Chase Book Club and BHS Reads.  AND this will result in 24 of my 52 books!
  9. Be more hospitable by inviting friends and family into my home.  I do and have hosted events at school and within my church, but inviting persons into one's home is just more personable.  
  10. Continue my women's Bible Study Group:  Making Choices for Him.  This past year we concluded out meetings with a Christmas dinner at my house.  Fun, food, and fellowship.
  11. Be blessed as I witness the growth of  those within my Sunday School Class; this class has grown some this year in numbers.  I like them!  Great people.
  12. Be ready to walk through open doors, to leave alone doors that are locked to me, and to enjoy simply looking through a window should be what is before me.
  13. Be creative...whether through making quilts, painting on canvasses, or finishing cutouts prepared by The Husband.
  14. Push my "kids" in all my classes (high school, college, and church) to learn just a bit more than they thought they wanted to learn.
  15. Be timely, arriving on time, if not early.  To sit and wait for a meeting to start is a waste of time during which I could be accomplishing something else.  That's right...I have never thought I was one to run late...I was just always multi-tasking.  Right!  BUT those observing my arriving late do not know what I just left...they just see me as late.
  16. Attend events, concerts, conventions that ensure that I continue to grow and learn.
  17. Spend more time with my side of the family and appreciate the gift they are to me.
There. All 17 Intentions.

Good luck to me!

Now, to read for a bit.  Yes, see numbers 1, 2, 8, and 10!