Monday, July 4, 2016

I'm Back...Again

Yes, I took a break.  Yes, I took a break for several reasons.

Yes, this blog means much to me.  Too much to just not return.

Why not on Independence Day?

Today, besides a day to celebrate our independence, always symbolizes that summer is half over...or that my summer is half over, especially this year, since I go back on August 8, with school starting on August 15...and between now and then I have eight days of PD.

Now, my brain begins to shift toward returning to school, to meeting and greeting new students, and stamping out a bit more ignorance!

My Initial To-Return-To-School Checklist:

  1. prepare a booklet of resources for our department to utilize this upcoming school year.
  2. finalize my 2016-17 classroom decor ideas.
  3. pull out my units and wrap my brain around where they need to go this year.
  4. pre-plan for Beta Club activities.
  5. plan for a brand new class...Teacher attending a three-day workshop.
  6. enjoy my growing friendships with the ladies and gents of the Arkansas Reading Association.
  7. clean out Narnia.
  8. read a few more books...both for fun and for professional purposes.
As I typed this list, I decided that each should be a blog post topic.  Great Idea.  Love being inspired!

Of what have you most enjoyed this summer?  Hope you are having time to renew and read!

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