Wednesday, September 7, 2016

RIP Challenge 2016

September has arrived and with it comes the RIP Challenge.  For the last several years, this has signaled, for me, the beginning of fall, which for some reason, and more so than usual, I am so in anticipation of its arrival.

Fall is such a favorite:  the smells, the temperatures, the colors...pumpkin spice coffee on a brisk morning, hot dogs and s'mores around the fire pit, the crunch of leaves on walks with The Man...all add up to a wonderful time of the year.

For this challenge, I am choosing Peril the First...or to read four books throughout the next two months.  This is the category I usually choose and, for most years, have completed.

I currently am reading Unwind, a book suggested by a student and one I had on my shelf; therefore, this one will be my first read.

Currently, my students and I are hosting a re-read of the Harry Potter series.  For this, I will read book three...The Prisoner of Azkaban.. (and maybe number four).  Earlier this summer, I read the 8th book...I enjoyed reacquainting myself with the characters again and meeting their children.  Very interesting read.

For our faculty book club we are reading Girl on the Train...not sure I would count that for this challenge, but I will certainly encourage their choosing one for October that I might add to this level of Peril.

I began The Historian a couple of years ago for a book club...yes, began.  I hope to pick that book up in and complete the journey this time.  I remember enjoying the plot; just had too many obligations at the time.

One of my all-time favorite books remains Katherine Howe's The Physick Book Deliverance Dane.  I have yet to read her let's add that to the RIP TBR! goes...I hope to read the following:

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Welcome Back...three weeks later

Three weeks back...and just now taking the time to react to 2016-2017!

Take this glimpse into my year...

  1. New room layout.  Like very much.
  2. New English teacher in our department.  Brand new...he just graduated college this past May.  Welcome, Hunter!
  3. Great to be back working with the other two English teachers...all young, all under 30.  All my kids.  Yes, my shoe size continues to increase as I near 50 this year!  I ever more admire that little, ol' woman who lived in the shoe!
  4. Our ELL teacher is also a super friend:  we think alike, pray for each other's "real" kids, and prepare all our others at school for a better life.  Bless her.  She has a heart larger than Arkansas for these students who face such language challenge.
  5. Three preps:  English 12 (three sections), English 10 (two sections), and Teacher Cadet (one section)...brand new class!  Love it!)
  6. Same literary curriculum.  Still attempting to co-exist with it.
  7. Same mentor group.  I like them.  Very much. 
  8. Many students...all unique, all making me laugh and learn.  
  9. My daughter is a senior.  Wow.
  10. Four or more teachers every day joins me for lunch.  Plus, the daughter and at least one or more friend.  Sometimes, a student or two stops by to work.
  11. Preps all before lunch.  Morning flies.  Afternoons very busy!
  12. Hosted first book club meeting and chose our first book of the year:  The Girl on the Train.
  13. Met with our Beta Club officers and held our first meeting.  Lots of energy working for some very good causes.
  14. Wrote our first passage somewhat modeled after the test our state mandated test.  No, not necessarily teaching to the test, just using their model to prepare our students for success within our own classrooms.  After all, this one's main character was Garfield; just don't think he will make it to a state/national exam!
  15. Attended our first football game and watched The Girl do her Athletic Trainer thing.  Proud of her!
  16. Already served many pots of coffee (decaffeinated...please don't tell them, for these kiddos have yet to discover this secret!)  My, what work one can obtain in exchange for this bit of hydration!
  17. Created two of the cutest bulletin boards, using the least amount of work ever, as I recycled some VBS decorations!  This is the only elementary characteristic that resides in my body...planning them, making them, putting them together...I enjoy all of it.
  18. Entered grades...into a new system that I am learning...and learning.
  19. Have more papers to grade.
  20. Student stopped by and asked if I had ordered those books for him.  Uh?  Upon reminding me of the titles, I did!  So cool when a boy loves to read!
  21. Convinced 8-10 football players to read Kwame Alexander's Crossover.  Yay!
  22. Another young lady stopped by and asked if I would host the student book club as she needs a club to join.  Okay.  Note to self:  schedule that first meeting.
  23. Three others stopped and asked if we could continue our read along...or re-read...of the Harry Potter series.  Yes.  Scheduled a date on one of the girl's birthday.  Yes, must have dessert for that one!
  24. At least three days a week, The Girl and I ride together to school.  I am enjoying she will graduate this year.  (I am mentioning that again...allowing it to sink in!)
  25. Chose a young man, a senior with Down's Syndrome, to be the Grand Marshall for our Homecoming Parade.  That selection makes me happy.
  26. Began my 26th year...and was ready to do so!  Here's to at least two more...and probably more than that...of being blessed to work and play all day long in what I was born to do.
Please tell me!  How has the start to your school year been?