Thursday, February 22, 2018

In Light of Recent Events...

UPDATE:  Per request, I was not able to use this lesson plan.

When a conversation begins with "In light of recent events...," my light darkens, for, most often, another change is coming, one based on a negative event.


Case in point...

In light of recent events surrounding the school shooting(s), I determined to provide an opportunity for my students to discuss the layers of this topic, for this topic is just too timely.  These "kids" are just on the brink of entering the "real world" as graduation is no longer a mere pin prick of light at the end of a seemingly long tunnel. This topic engages them, while bringing out strong emotions.  As I have told them, many times, we may discuss anything within these walls, as long as they bring evidence to support.  No just spouting out comments...most biased and full of fallacies and repeats of comments from recent conversations in their lives.  Must provide the evidence.  Then, we may discuss.  Like civilized adults.  Maybe.  Maybe?  Maybe?!  Hope so!

Since my students are bloggers, why not start there? Thus, this "create for the moment" lesson began to develop.  As my students commented on their peers' blog posts on their self-chosen topics...and as they reflected on quotes for Black History Month, these blog post topics began to type, type, type their way onto the lesson plan of the day:

  • Feb. 23 - Part 1: As a young adult, as the future adults, what should be done to ensure the safety of your siblings, your nephews and nieces, your future children in public settings?
  • Mar. 2 - Part 2: What should be done to better help those with mental health concerns?
  • Mar. 9 - Part 3: What should be done to (or for) those who bully? For those who are bullied?
  • March 15-16: Part 4: Socratic Circle to discuss this topic. Bring your thoughts and questions to the table.
    • BUT remember!  ALL should be based on evidence.

No moans.  No groans.  Have them hooked.

Until the last two weeks, I have been providing the Article of the Week, but, as I shared with these groups of seniors, the responsibility is now placed on them to find the "valid and reliable" sources on which to base the blog posts.  For the remainder of these quickly passing weeks, they are to prove to me their have the knowledge and skills to base responses, questions, arguments on sound judgement...right during a time when "fake news" and rabid comments on social media accounts abound.

Now, the next step:  review jargon.
  • bias
  • fallacy
  • claim
  • counter-claim
  • rebuttal
  • open-ended questions
Maybe...just maybe...a light will be turned on, a light will burn brighter...just because we have chosen to focus on recent events.

More to come!

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