Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Keep It Classy

This was my classroom...then, on a Wednesday morning, we all received an email that overhead lighting must now be used...due to research.  I have many thoughts and responses to this research, but out of respect to the position that presented this edict, I will refrain...and, instead, will focus on my students and peers and their responses and how my new theme came about, for honestly?  Drinking lemonade is not my favorite drink of choice in December, but lemonade we must make.

While on hall duty, a peer first noticed the email and read it aloud.  Thankfully, I had already heard that this was going to occur, or looking back, I am not so sure how I might had reacted.

I chose to slip into the job mode...not this-is-my-passion mode.  I turned off the lamps and turned on the overhead lights and began to listen to the responses to "What is going on?"  "What?"  "This room is just sad, Mrs. Gillmore."  "I don't even want to be in here anymore."..and on...and on...slipping into a funk that just did not have to be.

For nearly a decade, we had "lived" in this room with lamps, a room where everyone, in all that time, had been so complimentary, except for two, regarding the culture I had created within those four walls (have I mentioned how much of my own money I had spent?!).

On the Friday morning, two days later, while perusing Facebook, I came across a friend's painting of an ornament with a red vintage truck inside it, and the idea was birthed:  we just had to keep on truckin'.  I shared this idea with my husband who, before second hour, had gone to town and purchased the first of a dozen or so trucks he would purchase for my new brightly lit classroom.

As I shared this idea with my classes, they listened intently, for few, if any, liked our current situation, and then the excitement began to grow as several offered to bring cars and to create artwork that could be displayed.  I concluded by explaining that sometime life hands us lemons; then, we have to choose to turn sour or to make lemonade.

That weekend, I painted this...and "trucked" it to class on Monday.  A young lady gave me my first Christmas present...a red truck.  The next morning, a young man was waiting at my door with a "loaner."  Another brought a ziplock full of matchbox cars that his class turned into ornaments and placed on the tree.  Later, I received a text from a teacher friend who lives across the state; she and her sons wanted to donate five trucks to our new theme.  As the season rolled along, I was gifted several objects with the red truck theme.  Love it!

No, I did not have time to re-make my classroom...nor the energy...nor the money...but...I also could not afford to not invest in my students and the culture within our classroom.  Nearly, all my classes are predominantly male, and many of the females (like myself) love the red vintage truck a win-win!

My favorite lemonade is strawberry lemonade...but...strawberries are out of season...but only for a few short months.  And...frozen strawberries are not bad, at all.

Therefore, in Cafe 16, we have chosen to keep on truckin' and to keep it classy...for I do appreciate the classics!

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Literacy Conference x 46

For the past several months, the Conference Committee has spent numerous hours preparing for two days for the 46th Annual Arkansas Literacy Association's Literacy Conference...that flew by in the wink of an eye.

The long story?  This was to be the last literacy conference. Declining registrants. Exorbitant overhead costs.  Little (if any) profit.

The short story?  The people showed up.  Registrant numbers increased.  An energy exuded from all.  Not one negative comment. True!

The end result:  "This just can't be our last conference."  "These people love getting together face-to-face."  "Let's talk about how we can make this happen..again."

So chat we will!

Why did this change happen?

Penny Kittle was the General Session keynote.  They loved her.  Her love of literacy and books was just contagious.  Oh!  I do remember a complaint...they wished she had talked longer.   :)

I traveled to the conference with a bit of dread in my heart, knowing this would be the last.  Then, I heard the numbers and hope arose....and continued to rise.  Yay!

There's this thing about hope.  Hope keeps one going when all seems hopeless.

This thing called hope...feels good!

Looking forward to what the future holds for this conference...for what number 47 will entail.

On a sub-note...just a slight switch of topics:  If you are not involved in a professional organization, please consider doing so.  I listened to one of our board members chat and reminisce about how this group was the reason she became a literacy leader and how she had watched this organization develop such skills in other leaders, including our current president, who planned and organized, who stood and spoke, who has grown into a tremendous literacy leader.

This group of ladies inspire me, motivate me, challenge me, change me.

In all we do, we work as a team, empowering one another.  Just a precious thing.  Truly.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Gillmore Tech Tips in 30

This year, every student in grades 6-12 has his/her own Chromebook.  Just.  So. Sweet.    I am so enjoying how much time we are saving as they open up this tech tool, and we instantly go to work.  Yes!

In one class's time, we may use Google Classroom, Forms (and the charts displaying their responses), Slides, Docs, Blogger, and our class website hosted on a Google Site.    No time to get bored!

Now, that routines are more established, beginning tomorrow, I am going to begin hosting Gillmore's Tuesday Tech Tips to share what I do know...and learn more along the way.  My concern remains that our teachers were not prepped enough for this 1-to-1 journey we are taking year, so I offered to host a 30-minute session for teachers after schools on Tuesday (just have to love the alliteration...Tuesday's Tech Tips...:).

Schedule of Topics
  • Week 1:  How to Drive Google Drive - Go...Slow Down...Stop!
  • Week 2:  How to Control Your Drive = Folders!  Adding to...deleting...taking away...moving around...
  • Week 3:  Google to use that data to use as a formative assessment...and...
  • Week 4:  TBA! 
This share time begins tomorrow.  We shall see if the teachers are interested!

Now, to begin building a resource or two...:)

Friday, August 31, 2018

The "Write" Epiphany

Only 28 years later...and the idea struck...start with the writing jargon...and build from there.

This lesson was affirmed last year when midway through the year, I was STILL reviewing what they had NOT learned the first time around when I told them more instead of showed them.  This year, I began the year with a series of sample paragraphs from previously modeled assignments on which they have annotated...and annotated...and...yes, for four days, until light bulbs are turning on...and burning brighter!

This year, I stay up late...and wake up early...planning and preparing.  Love that excitement of pulling lessons together that just work.

Hummm...I am the only one in my department choosing to switch the order and teach and assess (formatives and summatives) the writing jargon and format before diving into the language skills.  Could I be wrong...after all these years? 

I don't think so.

Besides myself, epiphanies are occurring within the minds of those sitting around me within my classroom.  Soon I will know, for I will assess later next week.  Soon. 

What epiphanies are you having about the sequencing and scaffolding of skills?

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Sometimes, the Light Bulb Shines Brighter

"Mrs. Gillmore, why haven't we been taught to write like this before now?" asks a tenth grade male student, as we view teacher-modeled paragraphs and review this same format again.

"Maybe your teachers were not taught writing format this way?" I reply.

I was not, or I forgot.  What?!

This Gillmore-Style Writing Format came from two "programs" and personal epiphanies over my years of teaching many hundreds...several thousands...of students how to write paragraphs of any depth or breadth, from visuals and the use of colors and jargon that will remain consistent throughout this entire academic year.

I attribute Step up to Writing and the works of Jane Schaffer...and my merging their jargon with mine.  The result is just a method that clicks with students.  HINT...see first question above.

Also, I am continually evolving.  Last year, I taught and taught and taught...and failed to slow down and assess their knowledge of this writing jargon.  This year, this is a must, this slowing down, this mastering of the terminology within the first couple weeks of school, from which I am already witnessing results.  HINT...see first question above.

That tenth grade student validated, patted me on my professional back, when he asked me that question.

Today was a good day.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

The New...and My New Best Friend

New energies...and 2018-2019 is off to a great start!

This year, I will teach/lead four sections of English 10, one of English 11 (have not taught this level in several years), and one of Teacher Cadets.

NEW!  Each student has his/her own Chromebook.  Sweet that the bell rings...they open up the computer...and to work we go.  No removing computers from the cart, signing in...and so on. 

So my room...bandwidth has been my friend.  This has been quite the problem as we placed all students and teachers (and their phones!) on at one time...approximately 2000 connections (hummm...with phones...probably many more).  Yes, life has been interesting!

My newest best tech tool friend is the app Hapara, which connects to my students screens via their connection with the teacher's Google Classroom.  So.  Powerful.  So helpful in combating a student's addictions to games.  How do you spell Fortnite?! 

AND...did I mention I have the capability/power to take a pic of the student's screen?   With this empowerment comes my complete support of a 1-to-1 environment.  My classroom has had computers for each student for nearly a decade...and this struggle to maintain control of their fingers switching screens before my body and eyes could view their screens before they shut down the not-needed site...has been real!  So very real.  BUT.  No more!  Yay!  Life is just so good!

Sidenote:  I have no problem with a student playing a and then.  Just.  NOT.  During. My.  Class.  Seriously, I am paid to work their brains from bell to bell...we have much thinking and typing...and reading and do in my 80 minutes with them!

Theory 1:  I have to repeat as much as I do because students' brains have been in the game world.  Just a thought.  Will gather data...and return with an update at some point!  :)

What is your favorite tech tool this year?  Please share!

My next adventure will be to utilize Flipgrid...more about that coming soon! 

Happy new school year!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Year 2018

Three days into this school year already!  My, time does fly when one is having fun...and when the days are just full!

Welcome to 2018-2019 in Cafe 16...where CAFE stands for Collaborating, Analyzing, Facilitating, Elaborating, all of which we shall engage much this upcoming year.

Yes, this is my 28th year in education.  Wow!  Time really has flown!  May I share not 28...not 18...just eight of the expectations I have for this year?

  1. To recover the joy of my career I had the first 14 years.
  2. To ever better prepare my students to think.
  3. To ever better prepare my students to know how to learn.
  4. To ever learn what inspires my students.
  5. To ever encourage reading...and reading...and reading.
  6. To empower my students to write more, reflect more.
  7. To encourage all my students to become involved within our high school community.
  8. To be the best teacher I have ever been.

Not be be dramatic, but my years inside the classroom are numbered.  I am asked often when I will retire.  I will retire when I have accomplished numbers 1 and 8...and dread 2-7.  That year is not this year.  This is going to be the best one yet!

Welcome back!

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Tammy's Travels - Summer 2018

For twelve days, I traveled from one professional development experience to another.  What a blessing!  So much fun.

Want to tag along?

The first stop on this journey was the Arkansas Reading Association's summer Council Leadership Institute.  A very busy two and half days!

Here, the Board invited local council leaders in for two days of plotting and planning to ensure 2018-2019 is quite the success.  Besides being actively involved in the Board, I again will serve as President of my local council.  I have a dream...that more of our teachers will be involved within our local council this upcoming year.

May I encourage you to become involved in your local or state literacy organization?  Nothing more inspiring than planning events with other literacy leaders!  Yes, more to come as we plan our 46th Annual Fall Literacy Conference and our 2nd Annual Online Conference.  Fun!

From these two and half days, I flew to Orlando, Florida, to spend three days with fellow National Board Teacher and Arkansas Teachers for National Board Certification Board member at the National Board Academy, an event where the NB Networks meet and plan for the upcoming year.  From the moment I arrived, I knew this year would be different as my friend was inspired, engaged, and motivated to re-energize our ATNBC.  This began quite the intense several days of birthing a vision.  Ever given birth?  It's work!  But so rewarding.  I look forward to seeing this plan come to fruition.

Then, we played.  Our last evening there, we visited the Magic Kingdom, my first visit in 25+ years.  Fun, indeed! 

May I encourage you to become a National Board Certified Teacher?  Without a doubt, some of the best personal growth and reflection in which I have ever engaged.    Plus, what a group with whom to connect!  Powerful!  #NBCTstrong!

Following these days, I spent one (of the three offered...but on a very tight schedule) at the Digital Ed Alliance Google Summit, hosted annually in Trumann, AR.  There, I presented a session on Collaboration...using Docs, Slides, Classroom.  There, I attended sessions and fell further in love with Google Sites (I have moved my website to a Google Site and purchased my own domain name...may check it out here:  CafeGillmore).

I had intended to complete Level 1 and 2 of Google Educator in June...hummm...yes, well, where has this summer gone?!  Still committed to completing this goal!

May I encourage you to complete this goal with me?  This year, we continue further implementing a 1-to-1 endeavor in grades 6-12, so staying abreast of all-things-Google is my goal!

The next morning...way before the break of dawn, I arrived at the airport by 4:00 AM to fly to Austin, TX, to attend the International Literacy Association's annual conference.  Friday was a workday for state affiliates...Sat/Sun were conference days...with Monday's being the first annual Children's Literature Day.  I soooo enjoyed all days.  Attending sessions with the greats...Penny Kittle and Kelly Gallagher...and then attending their sessions...and many others I admire...that was just the cherry on the top of this very delicious cake of continual professional development days.

Children's Literature Day...what a day!  Three keynotes (had to miss the last one to catch my flight home...and was I ready...remember, this was Day 12 on the road!)...Author Meetups (seven authors...and seven new books!)...a delicious lunch...and then a meeting with two authors and Jacqueline Stallworth (Twitter:  @thebigseablog...she is amazing!). 

During this last session, the books presented further inspired two units I want to create and lead/teach with my English 11 class (first time I have taught this grade level in some time...!...)  More about this later in the these units will be hosted second semester.

I attended this conference with four others from the Arkansas Reading Association.  We accomplished much by networking during much of our time there.  Confirmed our January book club with author Michael Shoulders!  Yay!

May I encourage you to be a Changemaker?  This I want to continue to be this year...with my students, with my peers...for myself.  Won't you join me?

Thanks for taking this journey with me!

Please share!  What was the best professional development of your summer?

Friday, May 4, 2018

My Future Determined?

This week, I assisted in admininstering our state exams and am again reminded of why and why not teacher accountability should be held to these text results.

NO!  How frustrating to watch a student not try, not even attempt to use the brain cells he/she must have in there under all that hair.  Seriously.  Speedy would be an understatement.  (FYI:  this one is not one of "my" students...or not one who had spent much time in my class this year).

To spin off of William Carlos Williams' poem...

So much
depends upon

A test-taking

Using knowledge
stored within

Due to his
teachers' devotion.

YES!  Then, there sit my darlings working from timer to timer, knowing I believed in them, knowing that the time for my devotion was expended, ended, terminated and 'twas time now for them to show up and show out...if they would just try on every question on the test.

YES!  Just do your best on the test!

This year, we tried the following:  extended lunch for working diligently...or, at least, appearing to work diligently. 

This year, I tried the following:  for receiving a ticket each day for the extended lunch...a party with Gillmore Brownies and Gillmore Chili Cheese Dip...their two requests.  Would you believe that every student in both of my classes received two tickets?  YES!

For 27 years in this business we call education, for 27 years in this career for which I have a passion, I have always set the bar just a bit higher than they wanted to reach...and then watched them reach it.

This week's bar...just try on every question. 

Did they succeed?  Hummmm...I know my darlings...and I know their love for going into busy mental boxes...BUT this I do know:  they reached higher this week than they had orginally intended because I told them I knew they could.

Yes!  The Gillmore Brownies are baked and ready to serve to my achievers!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Senior Seminar Board - Yikes and Yay!

This year, our department reinstated the Senior Seminar Board...a very good that requires much work and much diligence in adhering to the schedule, for once the days the board will arrive are set, all documents have a hard deadline!

The seniors are meeting this deadline...and showing up and showing out, professionally, that is!  I am so very proud to them!

In their honors...and because this is National Poetry Month, below is my poem dedicated to them and this event:

College and Career Ready

Day by day, the teacher did assign,
Choosing the lessons to align,
To ensure her students the school motto met.
Her students' skills gained an asset.

College and career ready, they say.
You can do this, she did parlay.
To often, their achievements underplayed.
Not here, though, their futures an extended highway.

Each assigned.
Each accomplished.
A resume.
A paper.
A speech outline.
A Google presentation.
Dressed up for their oration.

All heroes and herones on these speaking days
As heart rates speeded, running many verbal relays.
Shaking knees and shaking hands,
Prepared to reach the bar, their teacher understands.

Proud they are, breathing silent sighs of relief.
Mental high-fives, huge smiles signifying belief.
Forget all the moans.  Forget all the groans.
Forget all the "I can't's."  Forget all the work zones.

Today, they came.
Today, they spoke.
Today, they answered.
Today, they "Thank you"ed.
Today, they proved "College and Career Ready."

So proud she is, this teacher of theirs.
In these proud moments, she shares.
She thinks they can.
She knows they can.
They prove they can.

I think I can.  I think I can.  I think I can.

Simply became.

I can.

I am.

College and Career Ready.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

NPM - Poems 6-11

I sure hopes this find you writing, creating, singing, drafting poetry throughout this month of April.

I am!

For the sake of time...which seems to in short supply!...may I provide the links to poems 6-11 where these literary creations reside?

  • Day 6:  "The Necessary Tool" - about online conference calls
  • Day 7:  "The Sisterhood" - to and about the ATNBC officers/board
  • Day 8:  "Happily Ever After" - a "real" fairy tale about a Queen...and her King
  • Day 9:  "The Outer Dead" - a tribute to seeds
  • Day 10:  "Three Saved" - thoughts on the importance of giving blood
  • Day 11:  "The Shortest Song" - a jingle I use as a cue to get to work!
  • Today:  not written yet, but I know the topic, for today, my Beta Club will host a Mini-Relay for Life Walk to increase awareness about the type of cancers.  Those walks are just so powerful.  I can already hear the words coming to me!
So, I wonder...
  • Where do you write?
  • From where do you ideas arrive?
  • What is your poetic style?
  • Do the words spill forth...or come by one?
As for me...

I write in my comfy chair about events that happen that day.  My style?  That all depends on how fast the words upchuck!  Sometimes, I slow that poem down...with just one word...and spacing...creating a pause, for, otherwise, I might not breathe!

I do hope you are taking advantage of the month and writing at least one.  That accomplishment just feels good during this month of April!

REMINDER!  Not too late to join my poetry challenge!  Right here!

Friday, April 6, 2018

NPM - Poem 6 - The Necessary Tools

The Necessary Tools

Gathered around a screen.
Supplies nearby...
Sticky notes.


Gathered around a screen.
One by one the voices arrive.
The faces appear.

"You there?"
"I can see you, but I can't hear you."
"I'm in my car."

Text messages begin.
"Password needed?"
"Be right there.  I'm running late.  Again!"

Greetings aside,
Business begins.
Decisions to make.
Ideas outbreak.
Traditions to forsake.
Questions to debate.
Awards uptake.
Conference to partake.


Sitting in the parking lot.
Under that big light.
Internet connection sought.
There, brains connect to our delight.


Time flies
15 minutes
30 minutes
45 minutes
An hour...already?

Yes, ready we are,
For, once again,
Technology stars.
There, the group discovered "I can."

I can meet.
I can plan.
I can question.
I can acquisition.
I can coordinate.
I can acclimate.
I just can.

Time for goodbyes.
"It's been great."
"Love talking to you all."
"Until next time."
"Shall we set a date?"

Gathered around a screen.
Connected by a phone.
Bonded with friendship and these machines.
Established there in that work zone.

Thank you, Mr. Internet and Ms. Air Waves.
Our lives too busy; time just saved.
Thank you...this evening you connected...
Decision makers.
Conference partakers.

Just that simple, you see.
A conference call turns into The Conference.
All planned...just for thee.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

NPM - Poem 5 - Just a Second...or Two

Just a Second...or Two

Time is short.
Time is not mine.
Time thwarted.
Time is kind...just not mine.

Wish this could me longer.
But, time...just too demanding.

See you...yes, next time!

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

NPM - Poem 4: Our Love Grows

Our Love Grows

He came to us a 1.7 pounds, shy and small.

He grew.

He came to us with a voice, insistent and loud.

He grew.

He came to us untrained, frequent and inconsistent.

He grew.

He came to us with senses asleep, self-absorbed and focused.

He grew.

He came to us with full of love, wiggling and twisting.

He grew.

He came to us and grew and grew.

Now, he knows


He came to us learning.

Tammy is Alpha Queen.
Jay is Alpha King.
Holly is Alpha Princess.

Where does this leave Kaiser?

Alpha Dog!

Lover of the inside.
Lover of running like a herd of horses.
Lover of "Holly's home!"

Forever changed we are,
For Kaiser adopted us.
We are his people.
To him we are equal.

Go, Kaiser!
Run, run, run!

Go, Kaiser!
Out, out, out!

Go, Kaiser!
You, dog!  You messed again!?

Go, Kaiser!
I am so glad you joined our family.

Go, Kaiser!

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

NPM - Poem 3: Mother Nature's Letter

Mother Nature's Letter

Today, 76.
Tonight, 33.
Tomorrow, 54.

Today, windy.
Tonight, stormy.
Tomorrow, sunny.

From this, please allow me to explain,
I rule.
You do not.

Conquer me you have sought,
Your human strengths you brought,
Swimming in my currents.
Climbing my mountains.
Chasing my storms.
Flying from my peaks.
Braving my winds.

For some, I encourage
Your endeavors to flourish.

For some, I decline
Your eternity just defined.

Some say I am
a beast,
a protector,
a formidable foe,
a marvelous mother.
a friend to embrace and enjoy.

I say I am

For He who made all
Made me at His Call.

My power is not my own.
My power is not yours to own.
At His beck and call, I simply am,
Said the Great I Am.

Blame me if you must.
He who made you
Made me from that same dust.

Enjoy me.
Spend time with me.
Be friendly to me.
Rejoice in all that I am.

Yes, friends lets be
spending time together,
in all kinds of weather,
respecting me through my various moods,
yielding to my multiple attitudes,
loving me,
hating me,
enjoying me,
yet always respecting me.


Mother Nature

Monday, April 2, 2018

NPM - Poem 2: Book Clubs

Book Clubs

Gathered - with friends, some near, some far.
Gathered - with peers, some new, some aging stars.
Gathered - with characters, some adoptable, some not.
Gathered - with foes, some conquered, some detained.
Gathered - with loves, some lost, some gained.

Around - tables, knees nearly touching.
Around - computers, fingers quickly typing.
Around - questions, diving into the nuggets.
Around - answers, securing needed knowledge.
Around - coffee, meals, feeding us as these literary creations astonish.

Books - our friends.
Books - our dreams.
Books - our journeys.
Books - our destination.
Books - more than a collection.

Gathered around books.

Sunday, April 1, 2018

National Poetry Month: Oh, the Challenge

Today, welcomes National Poetry Month (as well, as Easter and April Fool's Day...but not fooling here!)  Serious we are about filling these blank canvas posts this month with poetic creations.

This, the Epic for me!   Also, posted at TG Book Thoughts.

Oh, the Challenge

Once a year, for 31 days,
creative juices blaze,
as word by word,
line by line,
a literary creation amazes.

This year, the epic.
A poem a day, creating such aesthetic
Images, appeals, memories, nothing generic.
Creations so unique,
Making here and there a tweak
Until draft becomes final.

Ideas sparked day by day.
To the brain they do convey.
Continuing to nag,
Treating that gray matter, much like a punching bag,
Until...until fingers meet keyboard,
Words no longer to horde.

Challenges issued.
The Epic.
The Sonnet.
The Limerick.
The Haiku.

Choose your challenge.
Join the fun!
The words you do so manage.
By signing up below,
Prepare for the overflow
Of words, one by one,
Of lines, not to be outdone,
Of stanzas, of lines stacked.
Excited for your soon to be impact.

Here's to a month of poems,
Whether 21, 14, five, or three.
All beginning now you see.

Welcome to National Poetry Month!

Thursday, March 22, 2018

TG's Poetry Challenge 2018 - Sign UP!

Also posted here at TG Book Thoughts!

The challenge is back!  This challenge I created last year...during the month of April...because the idea was born...right then!  Yes, I love the idea...almost as much as I love the month focused on writing poetry.   The idea is to write poetry.  Just that simple!

Without further ado, please read on.  Won't you join me this year?

Dates:  April 1-30 - Yearly

Choose an Option:

  1. Challenge 1 - The Epic:  A poem a day...yes, everyday!  You choose the topics and types of poetry you prefer.
  2. Challenge 2 - The Sonnet:  A poem every other day (evens or odd) and write at least 14 days this month.
  3. Challenge 3 - The Limerick:  A poem at least five times, for you are just here to have a good time and learn about yourself as a poet (aren't we all, though?)
  4. Challenge 4:  The Haiku:  Three short as you would like them, for you just prefer to dabble a bit and want to attempt this challenge.


One winner from each category will be awarded a prize!  Yes, that prize will definitely include poetry! 

How to Sign UP:

Sign UP below in the comments by giving your name (first name is fine!) and a link to where you will be publishing your poems.


Post a link in any TG Poem Post (I plan to post daily!)  in the comments, being sure to include a link to your blog.  Add another comment when you have completed the challenge.  

I look forward to your endeavor and the spirit behind the challenge being met.  

Good luck!

Saturday, February 24, 2018

BHS Reads...Again

Over the years, while at my current high school, I have hosted a faculty book club.  This year, we just could not seem to find the time to meet, and those who usually joined in just did not seem interested or were too overloaded.  Stress!

But...I miss meeting and chatting about books, so I am going to attempt this endeavor again!  Yay!

This time, I am suggesting a monthly genre/topic and recommending a title.  Should they not want to read my suggested title, I am asking they bring their chosen book and talk it up.  (I foresee adding to my TBR pile!)

Here's a link to the list.

Please consider this an invite!  Yes, we can meet here in the comments on the last Monday evening of the month or via social media on Facebook in a group or Twitter.  After all, digitally speaking, this is quite the small world!

March's book is one recommended by a peer at school, one she is currently reading and has recommended a couple of times.  We both look forward to discussing Boundaries!  Fun!

Have a title recommendation?  Please share!  Enjoy!

Thursday, February 22, 2018

In Light of Recent Events...

UPDATE:  Per request, I was not able to use this lesson plan.

When a conversation begins with "In light of recent events...," my light darkens, for, most often, another change is coming, one based on a negative event.


Case in point...

In light of recent events surrounding the school shooting(s), I determined to provide an opportunity for my students to discuss the layers of this topic, for this topic is just too timely.  These "kids" are just on the brink of entering the "real world" as graduation is no longer a mere pin prick of light at the end of a seemingly long tunnel. This topic engages them, while bringing out strong emotions.  As I have told them, many times, we may discuss anything within these walls, as long as they bring evidence to support.  No just spouting out comments...most biased and full of fallacies and repeats of comments from recent conversations in their lives.  Must provide the evidence.  Then, we may discuss.  Like civilized adults.  Maybe.  Maybe?  Maybe?!  Hope so!

Since my students are bloggers, why not start there? Thus, this "create for the moment" lesson began to develop.  As my students commented on their peers' blog posts on their self-chosen topics...and as they reflected on quotes for Black History Month, these blog post topics began to type, type, type their way onto the lesson plan of the day:

  • Feb. 23 - Part 1: As a young adult, as the future adults, what should be done to ensure the safety of your siblings, your nephews and nieces, your future children in public settings?
  • Mar. 2 - Part 2: What should be done to better help those with mental health concerns?
  • Mar. 9 - Part 3: What should be done to (or for) those who bully? For those who are bullied?
  • March 15-16: Part 4: Socratic Circle to discuss this topic. Bring your thoughts and questions to the table.
    • BUT remember!  ALL should be based on evidence.

No moans.  No groans.  Have them hooked.

Until the last two weeks, I have been providing the Article of the Week, but, as I shared with these groups of seniors, the responsibility is now placed on them to find the "valid and reliable" sources on which to base the blog posts.  For the remainder of these quickly passing weeks, they are to prove to me their have the knowledge and skills to base responses, questions, arguments on sound judgement...right during a time when "fake news" and rabid comments on social media accounts abound.

Now, the next step:  review jargon.
  • bias
  • fallacy
  • claim
  • counter-claim
  • rebuttal
  • open-ended questions
Maybe...just maybe...a light will be turned on, a light will burn brighter...just because we have chosen to focus on recent events.

More to come!

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Engaging Students with Tech Tools

Throughout January and February, I have helped coordinate an online book club for the Arkansas Reading Association (yes, you are invited!), and, this past week, from Content-Area Writing That Rocks and Works by Rebecca Harper (who meets with us live on Facebook!  Yes, cool!), I have modified and incorporated a couple of her strategies described in her book.  Fun!

Discussion Dialogue

Instead of my choosing an article of the week, I asked each student to find a "valid and reliable" source, to write a post, ending it with open-ended questions to encourage an intentional discussion with the five other bloggers who will be his/her audience.  They seemed to appreciate choosing their own articles. (Assignment here.)

Next week, during blog time, each will read and comment on the five blogs below his/her name on the class blog list, checking in again from time to time to continue the discussion and to respond to questions.  This, too, they seem to be excited about!  Yay!

Twitter Chatter

For this assignment, I created a table four columns wide with 8-10 rows on a Google Doc.  Through Google Classroom, each received an editable copy of the doc.  I paired the students.  The first student in the pair was in charge of sharing his/her doc with the pairee and initiating the discussion, which preceded down the column and then moved to the next column during which I gave them about five minutes to chat...with no talking allowed across the room between the paired students.

As one senior football player described, "This is fun."

Over the next couple of weeks, each pair will continue their Twitter Chatter, further encouraging discussion about To Kill a Mockingbird (sophomores) and The Crucible (seniors).  Yes!

Please share!  What tech tools are you using to better convey the skills and knowledge you want your students to master?  I would love to hear from you!

Sunday, February 4, 2018

ARA's 1st Annual Online Literacy Conference

No automatic alt text available.

The over.  Finished.  Wow.  The day just flew by. should mark you calendars...and I promise I will do a so-much better job informing you about next year's!

What a fun day!  This was my first online conference.  As a coordinator and presenter, I was afforded the opportunity to view this platform from all angles.  What a fun day!  Oh!  I already conveyed that! 

Meeting online with our attendees were Jennifer Buehler, Kami Butterfield, Katie Garner, Rebecca Harper, Brian Jones, Jen Jones, and Alyson Low.  Amazing!  They each pre-recorded a 20 minute video and then met for 30 minutes following with the participants via a chat room style discussion.  Such a powerful day!

Now...for this fall's conference!  YES!  YOU are invited to the Arkansas 46th Annual Literacy Conference on November 15-16.  Much planning has begun...and to be released very shortly!  AND  you may receive a discount to attend as I relay more and more details...with a CODE I will share with JUST YOU!

FALL 2018 Literacy Conference:  Who will be presenting?!  Ready?!

  • Penny Kittle - yay!  Yes!  Excited!
  • Cynthia Lord 
  • William Meyer
  • The above three?  They have all agreed to host a book for our ARA Online Book Club!  More info here!
  • That list of speakers for the online?!  Most of those have contracted to present at the fall conference!
For ARA, I am their publicity I will share as I know!

Please consider joining us for book club...and the fall conference!  More info soon!

Saturday, January 13, 2018

The Tradition Continues

2018 is off to a busy start!  Right?!  Back to school.  New/old units to be created.  Students to nudge along.  Weather forecasts to be studied and case a snow day might occur! 

This semester, I am excited to teach two core texts, while, not new, have not been in my list of potential texts:  To Kill a Mockingbird and The Crucible.  Both moved to accommodate changing curriculum maps and missing gaps.

Traditionally, To Kill a Mockingbird has been taught in junior high.  This year, though, we moved it to grade 10.  The kiddos are quick to tell me they have read this one.  I am quick to respond, "Good!  BUT you have never read it like I am going to lead us through this text!" 

Focusing on the power of the story, the students are researching myths, legends, folk tales, and tall tales of our area and learning the impact of each.  Just as the myths about Boo Radley had quite the impact!  The goal:  to compile and publish this collection.  Fun!

As for The Crucible, which has returned to grade 11 curriculum, this one is a one-time placement for grade 12...or they will have missed having this one in their background knowledge.  This time, the students and I are focusing on the impact of fake news...then and in the 1950's and definitely now!

Both of these texts were/are being used to also bring increased awareness to the stance that Martin Luther King took, as we approach his day of recognition:

  • To Kill a Mockingbird:  MLK and Atticus Finch, one more successful than the other, both working to increase awareness.  While TKM is fiction, the impact of this novel over time, arguably, has stood the test of time, impacting many as we study, as we re-read, as we chatter.  "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... until you climb into his skin and walk around in it."(Lee 243).  So true...yes, that skin...just skin deep, isn't it?
  • The Crucible:  MLK and Abigail outliers, both bringing attention to a situation, a crisis...yet one positive, one negative...but both accomplishing gaining the attention during the negative.
This is how I incorporate the holidays right into the current curriculum.  Granted, I waste time in class (even though I am determined to work them from bell to bell...earn that paycheck!); therefore, I love to find the connection to what is currently being analyzed and the holiday on which we should focus and bring those two together in a timely, concise manner.  Every building background knowledge.  Fun!  

Also, tradition does continue as I asked each student to choose a theme word for 2018.  I am ever impressed with their serious approach to this request, with their rationales for the word choices.  This.  Is.  A.  Good. Thing.  Each designed an index card for his/her word, and we shared their words on a bulletin board this week.  So much good on that board.  Love it!

My one word this year is less. As I explained to my students, my personality is such that, once I take on a project and make it my "baby," I have a hard time giving up this treasure, resulting is a mounting load of treasure that can lose its value!  Less must occur!

Also, my family's health must remain a focus this year.  This week, my sister just came home from a four-month stay in the hospital:  common surgery, during which her bowel was injured, which resulted in a horrible bacteria running rampant for too long, followed by 22 surgeries.  Wow!  Also, my husband has rocker bottom feet, a fairly rare form of arthritis, resulting in quite the lifestyle change for us. 

Less is more.  That is one of the lessons I am being taught.  All is well.  Yes.

I hope you have had an exciting and rewarding two weeks into 2018!  Please share!

Be blessed!